The Ethnic Cleansing of Elite Universities
March 29, 2013
David Duke was not invited to a recent White nationalist conference because he focuses on the role of Organized Jewry in the subjugation of American Christians. He refers to this as the "big hairy gorilla in the room." If White nationalists are afraid even to mention the J-word, the Illuminati have nothing to fear. They can stop accumulating ammunition at their Dept. of Homeland Tyranny.
by David Duke
"The Big Hairy Gorilla in the Room"
(abridged & edited by
The most critical purview of racial discrimination in America is in the elite universities. Harvard and the Ivy League are the primary source of leaders for the rest of academia,as well as media, finance and politics. In short, it is the source of the real elite of America.
In the elite universities, European Americans are far more victims of racial discrimination in favor of Jews, than of discrimination on behalf of African Americans or Hispanics.
I consider Ron Unz of The American Conservative as a Jewish tribal defector. He has quietly joined the side of true human rights and has indirectly dared to expose the Jewish tribalist overlords who rule America and drive the destructiveness of Zio Globalism.
In his article, Myth of American Meritocracy, [in The American Conservative, November Ed,] he shows that while Jews are only 1.8 percent of college age population, they comprise an astounding 25 percent of Harvard and the Ivy League.
European Americans, who are about 68 percent of the population and about 68 percent of the highest merited students by ability and academic record, now comprise only 20 percent of Harvard, with similar numbers across the Ivy League.
The primary beneficiaries of this discrimination are not African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and certainly not Asian Americans.
They are Jews, massive numbers of Jews with less merit than millions of better-qualified European American students. And I repeat, the vast majority are of less academic merit.
Ron Unz shows that at Harvard, Jewish students are overrepresented by a ratio of 1,500 percent (15 to 1) based on merit. They also have a 750 percent over-representation over Asians based on merit. So Asians face this racial discrimination as well as European Americans.
Of course, the Jewish-dominated media completely suppress this information. In fact, The NY Times and other Jewish media tell the world that European Americans are the beneficiaries of racial discrimination against Asians and others! They do this statistical jujitsu by throwing in Jews with non-Jewish European Americans so it appears that European Americans are being favored over Asian Americans.
In fact, better qualified Asians and European Americans are being massively discriminated against by Jews, and European Americans actually face twice the discrimination that Asians face...
Interestingly enough, the massive discrimination against European Americans is dramatically worse than anything alleged in the 1930s' quotas against Jews. Jews at Harvard fell to 15 percent of the student admissions in the 1930's. At only 3 percent of the population, Jews were 500 percent overrepresented by percentage of population over Christian students.
If today Harvard and the Ivy League discriminated against Jews by the same rate we are discriminated against on the basis of merit today, Jews right now at Harvard wouldn't be 25 percent of the students, they would be a fraction of one percent.
Ron Unz does us another favor in his article. He documents the fact that Jews control the administration of these elite universities. So, the massive discrimination against European Americans is orchestrated completely by Jews.
It is not do-gooder Whites who are committing this crime against our people; it is completely driven by Jews and for Jews. Of course, that is not to say there are not European American collaborators, there are many. But, never get the idea there is some sort of conspiratorial partnership between elite Whites and elite Jews, for there is clearly a master/servant relationship here.
The truth is that there is no elite conspiracy of the type alleged by Alex Jones. There is one simple reality in America. It is the same reality in academia, as it is in media, in government and in finance. The Jewish supremacists sit as tribal rulers over us. There are Gentile collaborators, or better defined as traitors, but the simple fact is that the 98 percent non-Jewish population suffers from Jewish tribal tyranny. And all Americans suffer from the Jewish tribal hegemony, not just those of European descent.
Why must we European Americans remain silent while these racial supremacists destroy our people and we are genocided and obliterated? Why are we ethnically cleansed even from the universities our own forebears established?
Will the Jewish tribalist overlords be overthrown?
Kevin MacDonald on this subject
Makow Comment - To his discredit, David Duke grossly ignores the role of Freemasonry. This is not simply Jewish racial tyranny. Ultimately, it is satanic in character. Gentile Freemasons represent an essential Jewish surrogate, without which nothing could advance.
Nevertheless, the populace clearly is terrified of "the Jews." They have been brainwashed to think any assertion of their rights and criticism of Organized Jewry is "hate." This is black magic. When I post articles critical of the agenda of Organized Jewry, like this recent one, they are met with horrified silence. This is proof that real conquest takes place in the mind. The majority of Jews know nothing of this hidden agenda. They are as brainwashed as everybody else. Yet they insist on taking the bullet in defense of Organized Jewry. Go figure.
JS said (March 31, 2013):
Jewish people are not a "racial group."Jews comprise a cultural/religious group. There are white Jews, black Jews, Middle Eastern Jews, Chinese Jews, etc. There are blond, blue-eyed Jews, Jews with dark skin and hair, there are also Jews of the stereotypical appearance, with large noses.
Most European Jews are white
Jews account for nearly 45% of America's Nobel Prize-winning scientists. They won a great many
of Europe's(France, Denmark, England,etc., especially Germany) Nobel Prizes in science as well. Olivia newton-John is the granddaughter of German-Jewish Nobel Prize-winning physicist, Max Born.
Jewish people(generally speaking)have higher-than-average-IQs.
The main problem facing Jews is the Jewish "brain drain." More than 80% of Jewish people marry non-Jews-and raise their children as non-Jews. Only 33 percent of children in Jewish-Christian marriages are raised as Jews.
David Duke,who has had innumerable nasal plastic surgery operations and bleached blond hair, is certainly the person to speak about different groups. I wonder if the globalists are paying for him to spread lies about Jewish
people. They have to turn the public against Jews in the future, in order to force them to go to Israel.